Gizoogle--very funny
so willie's cousin works for google, this is stolen from her xanga. this website Gizoolge does some funny translation. i was doing some research on "expansion slot", this is the offical defintion
expansion slot
Last modified: Wednesday, January 15, 2003
An opening in a computer where a circuit board can be inserted to add new capabilities to the computer. Nearly all personal computers except portables contain expansion slots for adding more memory, graphics capabilities, and support for special devices. The boards inserted into the expansion slots are called expansion boards, expansion cards , cards , add-ins , and add-ons.
Expansion slots for PCs come in two basic sizes: half- and full-size. Half-size slots are also called 8-bit slots because they can transfer 8 bits at a time. Full-size slots are sometimes called 16-bit slots. In addition, modern PCs include PCI slots for expansion boards that connect directly to the PCI bus.
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and this is after it's translated by Gizoogle
Expansion slot
Last modified: Wednesday, January 15, 2003
An trippin' in a brotha where a circuit board can be inserted ta add new capabilizzles ta tha killa. Nearly all personal hustla except portables contain expansion slots fo` bustin' mizzle memory, graphics capabilizzle n support fo` special devices. The boards inserted into tha expansion slots is called expansion boards , expansion cards , cards , add-ins , n add-ons.
Expansion slots fo` PCs come in two basic sizes: hizzay n full-size. Half-size slots is also called 8- bit slots coz they can transfa 8 bits at a time. Full-size slots is sometizzles called 16-bit slots. In addition, modern PCs include PCI slots fo` expansion boards tizzle connect directly ta tha PCI bus.
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