women in science and engineering
during my drive home to lunch, it's the usual science friday on NPR, my favorite radio news station. the question is "can women have it all, good family, kids and a successful profession in science and engineering"? as most of the talk shows on this topics, they had sucessful women talking about their experiences. two things were particular interesting.
alot of women claim there is still heavy bias in work place in the field of science and engineering, while men claim it's getting alot better and women are treated well. i haven't had a real engineering job, so i can't speak for it. but i do hear this constantly "it's alot easier to make it as a girl in EE" from guys. when i called in two weeks ago to follow up this interview i had, i was told they found another girl they thought was better and i would be the next best candidate. guess what? i was competing with another girl if that's any news to you.
one of the women engineers on the show is the dean of the engineering school at Princeton, she gave this advice for women who want a normal family and also want to be in science and engineering. one, find the right man to be the father of your children who will share the house burden. two, make sure you make alot of money to pay for good child care. three, make time to go to your kids's first christmas concert or other important event. she also said being a chemical eng herself, it's very easy to have the latter two. with her husband's support, that's how she does it.
so far, i have a supportive bf who cooks better than me. i just need to find a job and marry him. hahah. (willie, i know you are laughing) i still think money is the best thing in the world. but love is the next best thing and being in love just makes life that much better.