Friday, August 26, 2005

women in science and engineering

during my drive home to lunch, it's the usual science friday on NPR, my favorite radio news station. the question is "can women have it all, good family, kids and a successful profession in science and engineering"? as most of the talk shows on this topics, they had sucessful women talking about their experiences. two things were particular interesting.

alot of women claim there is still heavy bias in work place in the field of science and engineering, while men claim it's getting alot better and women are treated well. i haven't had a real engineering job, so i can't speak for it. but i do hear this constantly "it's alot easier to make it as a girl in EE" from guys. when i called in two weeks ago to follow up this interview i had, i was told they found another girl they thought was better and i would be the next best candidate. guess what? i was competing with another girl if that's any news to you.

one of the women engineers on the show is the dean of the engineering school at Princeton, she gave this advice for women who want a normal family and also want to be in science and engineering. one, find the right man to be the father of your children who will share the house burden. two, make sure you make alot of money to pay for good child care. three, make time to go to your kids's first christmas concert or other important event. she also said being a chemical eng herself, it's very easy to have the latter two. with her husband's support, that's how she does it.

so far, i have a supportive bf who cooks better than me. i just need to find a job and marry him. hahah. (willie, i know you are laughing) i still think money is the best thing in the world. but love is the next best thing and being in love just makes life that much better.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Gizoogle--very funny

so willie's cousin works for google, this is stolen from her xanga. this website Gizoolge does some funny translation. i was doing some research on "expansion slot", this is the offical defintion

expansion slot
Last modified: Wednesday, January 15, 2003
An opening in a computer where a circuit board can be inserted to add new capabilities to the computer. Nearly all personal computers except portables contain expansion slots for adding more memory, graphics capabilities, and support for special devices. The boards inserted into the expansion slots are called expansion boards, expansion cards , cards , add-ins , and add-ons.
Expansion slots for PCs come in two basic sizes: half- and full-size. Half-size slots are also called 8-bit slots because they can transfer 8 bits at a time. Full-size slots are sometimes called 16-bit slots. In addition, modern PCs include PCI slots for expansion boards that connect directly to the PCI bus.
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and this is after it's translated by Gizoogle
Expansion slot
Last modified: Wednesday, January 15, 2003
An trippin' in a brotha where a circuit board can be inserted ta add new capabilizzles ta tha killa. Nearly all personal hustla except portables contain expansion slots fo` bustin' mizzle memory, graphics capabilizzle n support fo` special devices. The boards inserted into tha expansion slots is called expansion boards , expansion cards , cards , add-ins , n add-ons.
Expansion slots fo` PCs come in two basic sizes: hizzay n full-size. Half-size slots is also called 8- bit slots coz they can transfa 8 bits at a time. Full-size slots is sometizzles called 16-bit slots. In addition, modern PCs include PCI slots fo` expansion boards tizzle connect directly ta tha PCI bus.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005

bebe and me

there's one place all girls should avoid when they don't have money -- the mall! to me, since i'm better at controlling my money, it all comes to avoiding one store -- bebe! i thought i was doing so well for not buying anything the last a few times i was there. actually i haven't bought anything there since last year, which for me is very very good. until tonite at the fall collection premeir, i finally gave in. i had to, since it was 10% off. everything just fits me so well, like it's cut just for me. i had to go down to 26 for jeans and xs for tops, whoohoo lost weight! (prolly with the stress of job hunting) now i have this pair of rhine stone jeans i vow not to wear until i find a job. i guess that's a little more motivation for the job hunt.

but it was great to see the girls there, my assistant manager at hillsdale got promoted to store manager at stanford. now i got connection in both stores, if i ever need a part time job. and the other assistant manager gave birth to twins. two girls, how cute! she only had a son when i worked there, he was so adorable. they had a DJ at the stores, too. it's so nice to go back to bebe again, mainly cuz quite a few of them are still there and they seem to be doing well. now i miss all those time we danced to the 80's song during the days when the business was slow, throwing chips at each other during meetings and trying on all those cloths with no obligation to buy. arg...those were the days.

Monday, August 15, 2005

how good do you have to be to go to heaven?

my pastor started the service with this question on sunday. i didn't know there's a standard on how good you have to be. i thought as long as you believe in God, you go to heaven. i must say i was a little confused. we went through philipians chapter 3 going over Paul's message on following Christ. I found this passage to be very powerful and there are ppl out there really need to hear it

"brothers, i do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. but one thing i do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. and if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained". (Philipians 3, 13-16)

there are ppl in this world keep judging other's behavior and hold grudges on what has happened in the past. I must admit I sometimes do, too. but I realized i must let go of the past and stop looking at other's fault, so my life can move forward. i can only live up to what i think is righteous, and to me that would be God's standard. i can't make everyone happy, but God knows i'm trying and my fault is nailed with him on the cross. to be saved by God is the most comforting thing. I pray that I will live a life to glorify God through my faith in action.